It was every day, the bullying, the constant questions, “Are you anorexic? Are you starving yourself? Do you even eat?” Niyah Goodwin felt helpless, she couldn’t help the fact that she was skinny. She knew she was underweight, but she didn’t think it would impact her confidence this much. The kids were malicious, they would ask the same questions knowing the answer to them. Yes, she did eat. No, she did not have an eating disorder. Through all of this, she felt so many emotions, but all she could express was anger. It was hard on her, and all she wanted to do was feel normal. Goodwin started working out at the beginning of high school to boost her confidence and get that body she was always aiming for. Working out five days out of the week and making sure to not overwork herself, her journey to fitness became a lifestyle. ...
Transcript: The start of my production from my magazine was to do research on the things that I want to incorporate and things I did not want to incorporate. So I first started to do research on the type of theme I wanted for my magazine and my website. And then from there I took it over to the type of pictures I wanted to take, the pictures that I did not want to take. And then from there I took it the way I took it over to do research on the way I wanted my magazine to look and the type of feeling I wanted my magazine to give to people. So, to start off my website, when you first look at it, it's very it's peach and green together. On top of it, is leaves and when I think of nature. And also then from nature, my mind goes to natural. To me the peach color gives a meaning of not like a strong nor negative meaning it's like in-between. Very calm, also very calm. And then. So from there, that's the first element from our production. I want to give a calm yet nat...
What made you start working out? "when I was in middle school, I would always get bully for being skinny. It really started to get to my mental health and I wanted to do something about it, so that is when I made the decision of working out." How do you stay consistent? "Staying hard is not as easy as it looks, especially when you have hit a plateau with your body. The thing that works best for me is looking at the bigger picture and constantly thinking about where I want to be with my body. Every so often, I place goals to reach, whether it is to lift heavier or run longer." What type of workout you started doing? "When I first started working out, I did not what I was doing. So I would do workouts at my home and at my local park. I would jog for 10 minutes as a warm up and then do crunches, squats, lunges, and push ups with no weights till my body got used to it." Did working out ever feel like a chore? If yes, how did you overcome that f...
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